domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

Is Spanish language sexist?


Machismo is an expression derived from the masculine word, defined as that attitude or way of thinking of who maintains that the male is by nature superior to the woman.
Machismo is an ideology that encompasses the set of attitudes, behaviors, social practices and beliefs aimed at promoting the denial of women as subjects regardless of culture, tradition, folklore or context. To refer to such denial of the subject, there are different variants that depend on the scope that refers, some are familiar (patriarchal family structures, ie male domination), sexual (promoting the inferiority of female sexuality as a passive subject or denial of desire (Underreporting of work, second-line workers), legislative (not representing women in the laws and therefore not legitimizing their status as citizens, laws that do not promote the protection of women and their Needs), intellectual (inferiority in intelligence, mathematical ability, objective ability, logic, analysis and treated as cunning, malice, subjective, low IQ), anatomical (little importance at birth, little role in biological reproductivity) , Linguistic (not depicting women in language), historical (concealment of important women within the history of mankind), cultural (representation of women in the media as a body making itself an object instead Of a human being, spectacle), academic (little importance to studies of gender, not recognition of the importance of the touched feminism), etc.

Traditionally machismo has been associated with the differentiation of tasks between men and women, and the subordination of women in many societies.

Sexism, sexual discrimination or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on sex, it also refers to conditions or attitudes that promote stereotypes of social roles established in sexual differences. Sexist attitudes are based on traditional beliefs and stereotypes about Different gender roles. The term is used to refer to discrimination of both sexes. Sexual discrimination is not only a concept dependent on individual attitudes, but is incorporated into many institutions of society. Sexism is often associated with arguments about gender supremacy.

In the Castilian language we can find some terms that, according to the genre, can be considered as good or as an insult. In the DLE (Dictionary of the Spanish Language) the following definitions appear:
- Perro: Mamífero doméstico de la familia de los cánidos, de tamaño, forma y pelaje muy dicersos, según las razas, que tiene olfato muy fino y es inteligente y muy leal al hombre.

- Perra: f. Prostituta.

- Zorro: Mamífero cánido de menos de un metro de longitud, incluida la cola, de hocico alargado y orejas empinadas, pelaje de color pardo rojizo y muy espeso, especialmente en la cola, de punta blanca. Es de costumbres crepusculares y nocturnas; abunda en España y caza con gran astucia toda clase de animales, incluso de corral. 
Persona muy taimada, astuta y solapada.

· Zorra: f. despect. malson. prostituta.

· Cocinillas. Hombre que se entromete en cosas, especialmente domésticas, que no son de su incumbencia. 

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