Hello! I am Sole Soriano, the journalist of this week . If you want to see the article of this week click here,please!
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016
Translator here! I am Marina Garcia and this week, as a translator, I will give you some keywords.
Here you can find five interesting terms about the current task: "The dark side of textbook":
Publishing House: It refers to a company that publishes books, pamphlets, engravings... Thanks to this tasks we have realized the huge amount of money that agreements between publishing houses and schools or teachers can produce. Most of them don't look for the consumer's benefit, but their own profits.
Infographics: they are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.
Textbooks: A textbook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions. Although most textbooks are only published in printed format, many are now available as online electronic books. Textbooks usually change every three or four years, they are such expensive tools and they are also fixed.
E-Textbooks: they are digital textbooks that are intended to serve as the text for a class. Digital textbooks may also be known as e-texts. They are a major component of technology-based education reform. They may serve as the texts for a traditional face-to-face class, an online course or degree.
Timeline in Facebook or Twitter: it is a debate or a discussion that uses a social network to connect people's opinions. They are so useful to show different points of views and talk in an easy way with people who can be far away from us.
Hii!! I am Marina De Vicente Sánchez and this week I am the analyst.
Since it is our fifth work, we felt more secure. We know a bit more about each role, so we work more confortable than other weeks.
I think that it has been the best task that we have done apart from the one about Map Projections, since we have worked with great pleasure, we have found a lot of information and it was essay to work creatively.
The task of this week has been very interesting, because, as future teachers, in our lessons we have to use textbooks and this task has given us the opportunity to see the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
For many years ago the textbook was the most important thing next to the teacher in a class, the book has always stayed with us, Who haven't got textbooks in the desk? .
However, nowadays, thanks to the Internet, the teacher can use other kind of resources and, of course, we can enjoy
So as future teacher we are going to try to used other tools such as: searching online, making games, debating and being able to learn in a less monotonous and in a more creative way.
Hii!! I am Marina De Vicente Sánchez and this week I am the analyst.
Since it is our fifth work, we felt more secure. We know a bit more about each role, so we work more confortable than other weeks.
I think that it has been the best task that we have done apart from the one about Map Projections, since we have worked with great pleasure, we have found a lot of information and it was essay to work creatively.
The task of this week has been very interesting, because, as future teachers, in our lessons we have to use textbooks and this task has given us the opportunity to see the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
For many years ago the textbook was the most important thing next to the teacher in a class, the book has always stayed with us, Who haven't got textbooks in the desk? .
However, nowadays, thanks to the Internet, the teacher can use other kind of resources and, of course, we can enjoy
So as future teacher we are going to try to used other tools such as: searching online, making games, debating and being able to learn in a less monotonous and in a more creative way.
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016
Hello guys! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the curator of this week. In this link you will find every reference that we have used and every tool that we have used in order to do this task: The Dark Side of Textbooks:
Here you have all the references:
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. (2016). Canva.com. Retrieved 17 March 2016, from https://www.canva.com
Disadvantages of Using Textbooks - EnglischDidakt. (2016). Anglistikdidaktikwiki.uni-jena.de. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from http://www.anglistikdidaktikwiki.uni-jena.de/index.php?title=Disadvantages_of_Using_Textbooks
easel.ly | create and share visual ideas online. (2016). Easel.ly. Retrieved 17 March 2016, from http://www.easel.ly
Libros de texto en las aulas. (2011). Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas. Retrieved from http://nodejardehacersepreguntas.blogspot.com.es/2011/12/libros-de-texto-en-las-aulas.html
Martínez Bonafé, J. (2002). Políticas del libro de texto escolar. Madrid: Morata.
Here you have all the references:
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. (2016). Canva.com. Retrieved 17 March 2016, from https://www.canva.com
Disadvantages of Using Textbooks - EnglischDidakt. (2016). Anglistikdidaktikwiki.uni-jena.de. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from http://www.anglistikdidaktikwiki.uni-jena.de/index.php?title=Disadvantages_of_Using_Textbooks
easel.ly | create and share visual ideas online. (2016). Easel.ly. Retrieved 17 March 2016, from http://www.easel.ly
Libros de texto en las aulas. (2011). Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas. Retrieved from http://nodejardehacersepreguntas.blogspot.com.es/2011/12/libros-de-texto-en-las-aulas.html
Martínez Bonafé, J. (2002). Políticas del libro de texto escolar. Madrid: Morata.
Perelló Marugán, D. (2014). Libros de texto ¿sí o no?. Mundo Primaria. Retrieved 17 March 2016, from http://www.mundoprimaria.com/primaria/libros-de-texto-si-o.html
Ruth, G. (2005). No Books, No Problem: Teaching Without a Text. Edutopia. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from http://www.edutopia.org/teaching-without-text
Textbooks: Advantages and Disadvantages (Advice for Teachers, Grades K-12) - TeacherVision.com. (2016). Teachervision.com. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from https://www.teachervision.com/curriculum-planning/new-teacher/48347.html
¿Ventajas o desventajas sobre los libros de texto?. (2013). Cristina Rubio Abellán. Retrieved from http://asignaturamediosmaterialesytic.blogspot.com.es/2013/02/ventajas-o-desventajas-sobre-los-libros.html
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016
Hi guys!
I am Elena González and this week I have been the star of our group. When my mates told me that I was going to be the star I had the hope that, as in other cases, we could be 2 stars, but unfortunately it did not happen. So I was even more scared of having to expose our task in front of the whole class by myself.
On Tuesday night I studied our work,the topic of this week was quite interesting: the dark side of text books so we did an infographic giving 8 reasons to run away from textbooks. I also tried to improve my accent and gestures due to the fact that I have been a long time without speaking in English for so many people.
In the blink of an eye it was Wednesday and I had to expose. I was really nervous but I calmed down when Linda told us that we had to do small groups and explain them our work. I did my best trying to explain my infographic to them and I also sawed them some alternatives to textbooks. When I finished, we had to create a question for an oral exam and ours was: Taking into account all the negative aspects of textbooks, why do we continue using them?
I have liked a lot this task since as future teachers we have learned the negative aspects of using only textbooks in a class.
I think that Ï have done my work quite well so I am happy with my group and with myself, although we can always improve.
See you after holidays!!
I am Elena González and this week I have been the star of our group. When my mates told me that I was going to be the star I had the hope that, as in other cases, we could be 2 stars, but unfortunately it did not happen. So I was even more scared of having to expose our task in front of the whole class by myself.
On Tuesday night I studied our work,the topic of this week was quite interesting: the dark side of text books so we did an infographic giving 8 reasons to run away from textbooks. I also tried to improve my accent and gestures due to the fact that I have been a long time without speaking in English for so many people.
In the blink of an eye it was Wednesday and I had to expose. I was really nervous but I calmed down when Linda told us that we had to do small groups and explain them our work. I did my best trying to explain my infographic to them and I also sawed them some alternatives to textbooks. When I finished, we had to create a question for an oral exam and ours was: Taking into account all the negative aspects of textbooks, why do we continue using them?
I have liked a lot this task since as future teachers we have learned the negative aspects of using only textbooks in a class.
I think that Ï have done my work quite well so I am happy with my group and with myself, although we can always improve.
See you after holidays!!
Hello guys! This week the Facilitator has been me, Alicia de Prado.
Well, first of all, I recommend you to...
Now, with that clear, let's see how The Chalkies have worked this week. I am pretty glad of how has going the work, we did all things on time and we were very well distributed. During the task, I was ensuring that everything was going well: reminding the girls to keep every resource they found for the curator; distributing each porpuse of the task; and so on (always listening to their ideas and their help). I have been also in charge of keeping social nets as Twitter alive during the week.
Everything was okay because we all agreed on doing things in the same way, and we went straight to the task immediately. We are happy with the results we have obtained, our Infographic was well made and the ideas were fine.
Let's keep on this dynamic Chalkies, now have some rest this holidays!
We will be back with more but not better, because it's impossible, here with The Chalkies ;) (...just kidding, improving is our motto!)
Well, first of all, I recommend you to...
Now, with that clear, let's see how The Chalkies have worked this week. I am pretty glad of how has going the work, we did all things on time and we were very well distributed. During the task, I was ensuring that everything was going well: reminding the girls to keep every resource they found for the curator; distributing each porpuse of the task; and so on (always listening to their ideas and their help). I have been also in charge of keeping social nets as Twitter alive during the week.
Everything was okay because we all agreed on doing things in the same way, and we went straight to the task immediately. We are happy with the results we have obtained, our Infographic was well made and the ideas were fine.
Let's keep on this dynamic Chalkies, now have some rest this holidays!
We will be back with more but not better, because it's impossible, here with The Chalkies ;) (...just kidding, improving is our motto!)
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016
This week we have learnt how media distorts the reality.Our teacher showed us it with the support of three differents kind of maps which are a tool for teaching. For this reason, I would like to define these maps.
Mercator map: Cartographic projection which creates increasing distorsion of size as you move away from the Equator.As you get closer to the poles, the distorsion becomes severe. Its area distortion makes continents in the middle and high latitudes seem larger than they should be.In addition,It is useful for nautical navigation.
Robinson map: Map projection which shows the entire Earth with less distortion of area. However, this feature requires a tradeoff in terms of inaccurate map direction and distance. The distortion near the North and the South poles is quite important. The straight parallels imply also a severe angular distortion at high latitudes near the margins of the map.
Azimuthal proyection:Map projection which has increasing wawy from the central point. It doesn’t represent so well the Equator Area.Its distortion of areas and shapes increases with distance from the center point.It is useful for showing airline distances from center point of projection and for seismic and radio work.
Treasure hunt:Activity to learn concepts in which the students have to answer some questions with a given information and at the end they have to answer a big question without the information.It is a creative and funny way of learning ,it is based in a game in which one or more players try to find hidden objects or places by using a series of clues
Narture Scavenger Hunt: An example of treasure hunt related to science content in Primary School. For instance, we can organize a trip to the zoo .Before the visit , a list with some clues would be given to the children and they have to follow these clues in order to find the answers of the questions.
We leave the comparison table we made, it is maybe more visual and clear to see:
Hello! My name is Marina de Vicente and this week I have been harvesting our information resources! Look for it in this link: OUR CROP:https://bubbl.us/mindmap?h=31eafe/63e580/32QwUHp88ZY1s
Buzzfeedblue (2015,February 2)Maps that prove you don´t really know Earth.Video posted by:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUF_Ckv8HbE
Isabel Perez Torres (1997-2014) Treasure Hunt.www.isabelperez.com/webquest/taller/treasure.htm
David Warlic,(2006,November 16) 21st Century Literacies: The Challenge, The Opportunity, The Tools. What now? Scavenger Hunts. Message posted to:literacymatters.wikispaces.com/Scavenger+Hunts
Alberto Rios,(2006,August) Mercator map of the world.Message posted to: http://www.public.asu.edu/~aarios/resourcebank/maps/page10.html
University of illinois, (2013,October),Globals currents, World Maps and Worldview: Social and Political Implications.Message posted to: publish.illinois.edu/globalcurrents/2013/10/16/world-maps-and-worldview-social-and-political-implications/
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Jan 19 - May 13, 2016), The Robinson Projection. Message posted to: www.geography.wisc.edu/maplib/robinson_projection.php
Hello! My name is Marina de Vicente and this week I have been harvesting our information resources! Look for it in this link: OUR CROP:https://bubbl.us/mindmap?h=31eafe/63e580/32QwUHp88ZY1s
Buzzfeedblue (2015,February 2)Maps that prove you don´t really know Earth.Video posted by:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUF_Ckv8HbE
David Warlic,(2006,November 16) 21st Century Literacies: The Challenge, The Opportunity, The Tools. What now? Scavenger Hunts. Message posted to:literacymatters.wikispaces.com/Scavenger+Hunts
Alberto Rios,(2006,August) Mercator map of the world.Message posted to: http://www.public.asu.edu/~aarios/resourcebank/maps/page10.html
University of illinois, (2013,October),Globals currents, World Maps and Worldview: Social and Political Implications.Message posted to: publish.illinois.edu/globalcurrents/2013/10/16/world-maps-and-worldview-social-and-political-implications/
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Jan 19 - May 13, 2016), The Robinson Projection. Message posted to: www.geography.wisc.edu/maplib/robinson_projection.php
Second week, second task but the same nervous and scary faces as in the first one. The best moment of the week came when we received the news that this week not only 1 but 2 members of the group were going to be the stars. We guessed that it happened in order to give us a bit more of confidence due to the fact that it is not the same to be by your own in front of the class than being with someone else.
When we met on Tuesday afternoon we discovered the best part of the activity: when we chose the two countries and compared them in the different map projections (Robinson, Mercator, and Azimuthal) we discovered how their size and localization changed according to their author. The worst part came when we had to make some decisions or make the power point due to the fact that we had different opinions and some of us were very stubborn, but we finally came into an agreement.
All of us have learnt that the topic related to map projections is related with one of the elements that compose TPACK, which is the Content Knowledge. This term explains that knowledge has a cost: if teachers do not have a base of the content, that is what they are teaching, children can misinterpret that content. For example, teachers should advice children that every map distorts reality depending on the author’s wishes and the powerful people.
Talking about us as a group, on the one hand we need to conserve the good environment that we have and the dynamic, but on the other hand we should improve our creativity and do things quicker.
This content, especially the Treasure Hunt is related to our degree since it is an activity used in schools to teach concepts. Students have to answer some questions with a given information and when they finish they have to answer a big question; so we will probably use it more than once.
We think that there are some evident social connections of this content with media, as some people say: “Nothing is as it seems”. Our stars gave a very clear example of it by showing a photograph that was published on a newspaper and comparing it with the real one. We could see that the one on the newspaper was photoshopped.
When they finished we gave them a great applause because they did it perfectly.
Hello everyone, I am Alicia Gomis and this week I am the facilitator of the group, so as the name indicates my work is to facilitate and organize the work of the rest of members in my group.
I do work organization depending on the role that the other members have, and roles are:
-Journalist: Alicia de Prado
-Analyst: Elena González
-Translator: Sole Soriano
-Curator: Marina de Vicente
-Star 1: Isabel Ramírez de Arellano
-Star 2: Marina García
First of all I have to say that my role this week hasn't been easy because on Monday Linda gave us our task "Map Projections" and we felt really confused about what we had to do.
In the first practical session we decided the roles and we started reading the task. Once we had got it, I decided what was the work that each one had to take the next day to the meeting, and thus began the discussions because we didn't agree to the place to meet. It seems silly, but the work that day was a little uncomfortable due to the discussion.
We finally decided to meet in La Merced, and I as the facilitator, took them some candies to make them happy and improve their work.
Fortunately, discussions disappeared and we started doing the presentation like we know, without wasting time.
It has been a pleasure being the facilitator this week because it is easy to organize and facilitate the work to someone who knows what to do in each moment.
Well done girls!!! We can!!!
This week, we have took a look to the blog https://goo.gl/eCt2va , which had some interesting points about media bias, and also our friends' http://loonatics.blogspot.es/ , which we think they made a very clear explanation and fluently presentation (although some parts of the slides were difficult to read).
Now, I'm going to tell you how has it gone this week with us, The Chalkies!.
We all knew that we had to focus more in the content than in the presentation this time in order to success. And that’s what we did.
In our previous work of TPACK, a part of being our very first task, we focused more in the presentation of it and that’s why we later misunderstood some concepts. However, in this work of Treasure Hunt, we did a good presentation as well as a bigger effort in understanding every concept.
Nontheless, every rose has its thornes! Our main thorn, once again, was the time. Although we did a better organization in order to get information about the topic, we were anxious and frustrated when time was against us. We wanted to do many things, but not everything was possible in such few time. Besides, we also wasted a lot of time discussing about how we were going to do things, that's a something we have to reduce in future tasks.
I mean, it is good to discuss in order to make a decision we all like, and that's what we actually do, but sometimes we just get pissed and too stubborn, The day we met to finish the task, we were all very concentrated on doing everything and all of us explained each other the information we had looked for.
There were some debates about which was the best map option to teach to our future students (Robinson, Merkator or Azimuthal), but we finally agree with Merkator’s one. That was because we thought that Merkator was the clearest at the time of learning countries and geographical concepts.
During the meeting, our dear facilitator motivated us in the best way someone can be motivated: she brought us candies! that was good for us for sure, we focused more on our work (although maybe it wasn’t for our bodies!).
The stars were also doing a big effort, organizing themselves for their oral exposition and having everything on point.
Wednesday came, and this time not only the Stars were nervous, the rest of us were too! We trusted our girls, and we were definitely proud of how well they did it.
Another task completed, keep going Chalkies! A lot to learn and improve yet!
"This week I have been the star of the group. At first, I was scared because it was a new role to do. However, I had the opportunity to have a helping hand: Marina García. Both of us were finally the stars and we had to reseprent the whole group.
We finished late the work and we had little time to study our presentation, but we decided to make it quite different to the other ones in order to do it funnier and more interactive. I worked really good with Marina and I felt very comfortable with her in front of our public.
At the begining, we were some kind of nervous but when we started to talk, everything disappeared and we were sure about what we were doing, so we faced the work we made with our group, and everything went quite good."
My happiness arrived when I discovered my “no-role” for this task; I only had to help my mates as much as possible. My surprise arrived when the teacher announced that two stars had to performed this week. So that was my turn.
" At the beginning I felt secure; the task seemed to be easy. However, little by little, I started to get nervous, I thought that there were such little time that it couldn’t be possible to finish our work as we wanted. This brought me insecurity because I had too little time to study and prepare my oral presentation.
I hadn't had spoken English in public for long time ago, and recovering my English fluency was more difficult than I had thought. The previous night to the presentation I spent some minutes in front of the mirror talking to myself, I was practising my presentation about maps projection: I tried to use my body language, to speak louder, to point out the slides so as to perform perfectly!
There we were. We were observed by 60 people and a teacher who were evaluating us. I was secure. I had self-confidence. Everything was going as we wanted. Just a problem with the screen light interrupted. My mate and I presented the task as we wanted and we trusted each other. Although we will always have something to improve, I’m sure that next time we will do it thanks to the teacher’s feedback and our mates advices.
The responsibility was not as scared as I thought.
Looking forward to working hard and advising others stars!
See you !"
" At the beginning I felt secure; the task seemed to be easy. However, little by little, I started to get nervous, I thought that there were such little time that it couldn’t be possible to finish our work as we wanted. This brought me insecurity because I had too little time to study and prepare my oral presentation.
I hadn't had spoken English in public for long time ago, and recovering my English fluency was more difficult than I had thought. The previous night to the presentation I spent some minutes in front of the mirror talking to myself, I was practising my presentation about maps projection: I tried to use my body language, to speak louder, to point out the slides so as to perform perfectly!
There we were. We were observed by 60 people and a teacher who were evaluating us. I was secure. I had self-confidence. Everything was going as we wanted. Just a problem with the screen light interrupted. My mate and I presented the task as we wanted and we trusted each other. Although we will always have something to improve, I’m sure that next time we will do it thanks to the teacher’s feedback and our mates advices.
The responsibility was not as scared as I thought.
Looking forward to working hard and advising others stars!
See you !"
Thia is the first week and as usual we are very nervous, we started without knowing very well the roles of each one, but at the end we have informed well and everything worked was great.
The roles of this week of each person are:
-Journalist: Isabel Ramírez de Arellano-Analyst: Alicia De Prao
-Translator: Alicia Gomis
-Curator: Marina García
-Star 1: Sole Soriano
To be the first time I am very happy with the results I think we make a good team and that we can do so many better, but to be the first to come out great.
I can hear the voices of my groupmates saying : “Sole, we are sure that you will do very well!”
I am very lucky to have friends that cheer me up in bad moments. Yes, it was a really bad moment because it was the first exposition in English of my life and it was also the first exposition of the course. I didn´t know how the express myself , so I was very nervous. Moreover, I had to show all the work that my group has been doing during Monday and Tuesday and we have spent a lot of hours in it.
A bit of these hours:
On Monday I read the article about Tpack that my teacher shared with us, I analized it , underlined it and I did a schema of it to ensure that I had understand all the concepts.
On Tuesday, my mates explained to me what they had understood about Tpack , I was so stressed because it was a lot of information and each member of the group was telling me a lot of things which I would have to take into account in my exposition. It was a big responsability . For this reason, I was very insecure of myself. When I arrived home, I put in order all of the data that we have collected and I studied it . I recorded myself eight times to know if I really knew what a Tpack was.I couldn´t sleep well this night. The following morning was the final countdown , I only wanted to run away because I don´t know speak fluently English….but I had to face to my nerves and when I started to talk my nerved has been dissapeared. I didn´t like to repeat my exposition eight times but I think that this exposition helped me to my future job :a teacher. A teacher has to spend a lot of time talking and repeating the same things to their students. So , at the end it wasn´t so bad.
The chalkies, we have all participated in this new task about the framework of TPACK. In order to learn in a deep way characteristics of this topic we have taken a look on the Internet. We have kept as much information as we could from an article and we have also seen some videos:
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher EducationKimmons,
R. Royce (2011, March 22). TPACK in 3 minutes. Video posted to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wGpSaTzW58
Common Sense Education (2014, November), Introduction to the TPACK model. Video posted in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmRw_wARuMk
In addition, we had to create a poster to show it to our peers, so we decide to use: cardboards, scissors,glue,colours, crayons and sheets.
Our mind map:
This week we have learn some concepts related to TPACK.First of all it is necessary to explain what exactly TPACK means. That is an emergent form of knowledge that is composed of three components (pedagogy, technology and content) and the relationship between them (technological content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge). TPACK is the base of effective teaching with technology, that is an important tool to connect that three elements, so the aim is to integrate successfully technology in education. So in that way, TPACK allows us to understand concepts using pedagogical techniques incuding technology.Three concepts that we have to know:
- Technological Content Knowledge
Technology and content influence each other, are two fields with a close relationship. That's because the advances in many fields (like medicine) have been due to the advances in technology and also technological changes have offered new ways of understanding the world (digital computers changed physics and mathematics).And we, as teachers have to develop technological tools to educational purposes in order to teach the contents in an innovative way. So TCK is a way of understanding how content and technology influence each other.
- Technological Pedagogical Knowledge
TPK is a form of understanding how technology can change the teacher's methodology introducing new forms of teaching and learning.So we can say that the purpose of TPK is to discover how usual technological programmes like power point, word or prezzi can be used in education and schools.
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Teachers tend to interpret the subject matter (content) differently and find different ways to represent and adapt it. As we have seen, Pedagogical Content Knowledge means that every teacher have the flexibility of choose their teaching strategies in order to explain the same idea looking for the effective teaching.And finally something useful that we have learned in this job have been what an information map is. In this first practice we have used the technique of information maps in order to represent visually the concepts described previously and learn how they are related and organized. There are different types of information maps like mind maps, concept maps, spider maps... But we have choosen the Organizational chart tree because we wanted to do a clear explanation about the relationchip between the concepts and this type of information map allowed us to better organize them.
At the begining of this work, our feelings were everything but calm. There were only questions in our minds, we didn't know how to play our roles but we did know that we wanted to do them good. That moment took me back to the first time I played basketball in a team. We all wanted to do our best; we knew the rules, but we didn't even know how to catch the ball or how to score the basket. We all knew that we had to cooperate and work hand by hand if we wanted to success. So we were like this team. After finally solving some problems and questions, we divided the work so that we could later explain to each other what we had done. Our first frutruation was that we found quite difficult to understand the text of TPACK, it was like a mathematic task. We understood the conexions but we couldn't understand well what they meant. That morning our faces and energy were similar as the reaction that some people may had experienced when they read that famous sentence of Nietzsche "God is dead". Nevertheless, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, isn't it? Tuesday 17.30h. Cold, so cold that our hands were as cold as snow. Some of us arrived later to the meeting due to traffic, and they were feeling a bit anxious for their mates who were waiting. When they arrived, they saw the pissed look in their friends' eyes, but at the same time that complicity that friends have. Work started! Hard, hard work. We spent hours and hours doing the task. So this was the time when the basketball team starts feeling confidence and has a shared aim in playing a succesful match. We helpt each other, we hesitate together and... we argued. This was the best as well as the worst part of the activity. We argued because some of us wanted to put some words of the poster in one way and the others in another way. This was that typical time when you don't know if you want to cry or laugh. After some indeterminate time, we finally agreed and we were happy with the decision. I learnt from this that one has to try to look deeper and consider another point of view, because sometimes you don't know that in fact, you are going to like it!.The work was finally finished and we were relieved.Next morning, terror moment time arrived! Mostly for our dear Star. I know she was scared but I could also see that she was feeling excited. We all trusted her and gave her our best luck, and she did it great. When the show ended, we all hug each other, and that moment was defenitely the best part. Although we were wrong in some aspects of our job, it was good to know and feel that every of us supported each other. Once again, this was like that match you have played that you know that it could have been done better but yet so you feel that you'll learn from that to do it better next time. That was it, first work done, ready and more prepare for the next. It was like if we could hear the spectators and cheerleaders saying: "Go Chalkies, go!!".
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016
Do you remember the difficulties every of us had last week?
Exactly!! We have had another chance to improve ourselves and show who we are!
At that moment our main work was to improve the presentation about the Earth and help the stars with their speech (you know, using the body language, point out the screen, move around, and so on..)So, let's start:
On Thrusday afternoon every Chalkie were working hard, we all met at Alicia's house so as to rebuild our work. I could tell you that we had fun working, we did a great job, and we really enjoyed doing it. However...nothing could be further from the truth. It was such a little mess. First of all, the Internet was not working so well, so some of us had to go down to La Merced University in order to obtain some free WI-FI, meanwhile others stayed at home improving the presentation. Secondly, we didn't find nice pictures with CC Licence, and the ones that we found were not really suitable for a children presentation. So...we decided to create our own drawings! Yes...It could be a great and fun idea if we had had colorful crayons, but we were not as lucky.
That day we were not working as always, we seemed to be snails, we worked really slow. Maybe it was because of tireness of that week. Therefore, once we have finished everything, we decided to go out for a while and have fun. Chalkies were having dinner and dacing! We deserved it, truts me.


On Monday every group presented their new work and also Linda explained to us how to develop a perfect presentation. Nothing rare occured, Everything was OK.
Just move on into Wednesday morning. A new activity was ordered to us. We had to join the rest of mates that had the same role and create a 30 seconds presentation explaining who to perform perfectly depending on the role that we had, In my case, I joined the rest of journalists and we decided to create a video in order to show 7 useful tips to be a great journalist. Let's have a look:
We made it just in two ours, We worked really well together and we hadn't any problem. In addition we really had fun while we were recording ourselves. Such a funny experience!
Here you can see some pictures about the week. I hope you enjoy it:
In addition we have checked out some other blogs in order to obtain some ideas and learn from. We have really liked the one of our mates Tuttifruties (https://tuttifrutieducation.wordpress.com/) as I have said to them in a comment: I think they are so original since they used a story for this task and also it was intended to children, what I think it is the most important point, In addition they used a source that nobody used, a video explanation.
As we are also trying to perform an efective presentation, we were having a look at some other blogs that help people with this oral performances. I recommend you the following blog: http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/presentationskills.htm
Here you have a lot of information that will be so useful in your student and teacher life. Enjoy it!
As you know feedback is really important! You will be such as helpful if you comment our work, Do you think we are performing well our roles? LET ME KNOW, PLEASE!!!
As you know feedback is really important! You will be such as helpful if you comment our work, Do you think we are performing well our roles? LET ME KNOW, PLEASE!!!
Marina García
Marina García
Hello, I am Alicia again, this week I've been the analyst and I think that it is a hard role because I have to analyze and observe every moment and every member of my group.
Well, it has been a different week...different but not less important. As you know last Wednesday the presentations were really disappointing but Linda gave us another opportunity in order to demonstrate what we worth. This time our stars did it excellent as teachers, and also the other stars improved a lot. Personally I think that we needed the teacher's words in order to understand why we were doing bad the task.
Firstly we felt afraid because we think that it would be like a big challenge to face the same task again, but as I have said before, it was necessary. In this way we were able to understand the difference between a normal presentation and a presentation for children, such as those that we will do as future teachers. In my opinion the best moment of the week was/were the minutes after the Monday presentation, when Linda said to us that we had done a good job. We felt really satisfied and we finally realized that every effort has its rewards. We were sure that for the next weeks we will conserve this positive attitude.
After all, something happened... we have a different work to do and we didn't know what it was about!! It would be a different work of course because this week we had to repeat the same task as the last week so...what were going to happen????
On Wednesday morning we arrived at class and sat down as always, this was probably one of the worst moments of the week because we were nervous and intrigued since we didn't know what we were going to do. Suddenly Linda divided us into different groups: analysts with analysts, journalists with journalists, facilitators with facilitators... And she explained to us that the purpose of this division was to do a tutorial on how to be the best in every role.
As analyst I have to say that I learned a lot from this task, we learned that in just two hours had been able to make a video that could serve as an example to our mates in the following weeks.
Here's the video, if you want to learn to be a good analyst, you only have to click!
I have to leave, see you next week! As you know new week, new roles and new experiences, we are expectant!!
Well this week we have worked in a different group, all the stars of this week have collected information of how to be the best star and then we made a video.
The star is the more representing role, because in the exposition you represent the work of all the group so you have so much responsability since you have to make it great.
You can see the video here, enjoy!!
How to be the best curator?
Hi! I am Sole and this week I have worked with curators in Wednesday class . We did a video about some tips of doing a good curator work.
I realized that we had been doing some things wrong. For example we didn´t put the references in the blog and we didn´t use them properly, therefore I try to make it better.
Here you can see a video about how to be a good curator. I hope that it will be useful for you !
I realized that we had been doing some things wrong. For example we didn´t put the references in the blog and we didn´t use them properly, therefore I try to make it better.
Here you can see a video about how to be a good curator. I hope that it will be useful for you !
Hi guys! I'm Elena González and this week I'm the translator.
Here you have the link to watch the video that all the translators from the different groups did on Wednesday to be the best translators ever. I hope you enjoy it!
Talking about the terms that we have to difine I think that the ones that my mate Isabel chose were the correct ones and were defined well, here you have them:
-Creative Commons: Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that is based on the idea that some people may not want to have all intellectual property rights that the law allows them to profit for their intellectual or artistic work. It offers everyone different types of licenses on the Web, which all of them are free.
-Copyright: Copyright is the right that law recognizes to the author of an intellectual or artistic work to authorize reproduction and share in the profits generated from it."
-Slide Share: Slide Share is a web page, where people can register and upload their presentations (like Power Point). Once they are uploaded, they have their presentations online for free.
-Flickr: Flickr is a web page, where people upload their images and videos with Creative Commons licenses. All the documents are online and all of them can be organized, sold, shared.
-Presentation: A presentation is is a process that allows people to share the contents of a topic to an audience. In other words, a presentation provides information and make it public using different resources such as: a speech, text, images, video,