viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


Hello! I am Sole Soriano, the journalist of this week . If you want to see the article of this week click here,please!


Translator here! I am Marina Garcia and this week, as a translator, I will give you some keywords. Here you can find five interesting terms about the current task: "The dark side of textbook": Publishing House: It refers to a company that publishes books, pamphlets, engravings... Thanks to this tasks we have realized the huge amount of money that agreements between publishing houses and schools...


Analyst Hii!! I am Marina De Vicente Sánchez and this week I am the analyst. Since it is our fifth work, we felt more secure. We know a bit more about each role, so we work more confortable than other weeks.  I think that it has been the best task that we have done apart from the one about Map Projections, since we have worked with great pleasure, we have found a lot of information and it...

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016


Hello guys! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the curator of this week. In this link you will find every reference that we have used and every tool that we have used in order to do this task: The Dark Side of Textbooks: Here you have all the references:  Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. (2016).

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


Hi guys! I am Elena González and this week I have been the star of our group. When my mates told me that I was going to be the star I had the hope that, as in other cases, we could be 2 stars, but unfortunately it did not happen. So I was even more scared of having to expose our task in front of the whole class by myself. On Tuesday night I studied our work,the topic of this week was quite interesting:...


Hello guys! This week the Facilitator has been me, Alicia de Prado. Well, first of all, I recommend you to... KEEP YOURSELF AWAY FROM TEXTBOOKS!  Now, with that clear, let's see how The Chalkies have worked this week. I am pretty glad of how has going the work, we did all things on time and we were very well distributed. During the task, I was ensuring that everything was going well: reminding...

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


 TRANSLATOR: This week we have learnt how media distorts the reality.Our teacher showed us it with the support of three differents kind of maps which are a tool for teaching. For this reason, I would like to define these maps.Mercator map: Cartographic projection which creates increasing distorsion...


CURATOR Hello! My name is Marina de Vicente and this week I have been harvesting our information resources! Look for it in this link: OUR CROP:  (2015,February 2)Maps that prove you don´t really know Earth.Video posted by: Isabel Perez Torres (1997-2014) Treasure


ANALYST Second week, second task but the same nervous and scary faces as in the first one. The best moment of the week came when we received the news that this week not only 1 but 2 members of the group were going to be the stars. We guessed that it happened in order to give us a bit more of confidence due to the fact that it is not the same to be by your own in front of the class than being with...


FACILIATOR Hello everyone, I am Alicia Gomis and this week I am the facilitator of the group, so as the name indicates my work is to facilitate and organize the work of the rest of members in my group. I do work organization depending on the role that the other members have, and roles are: -Journalist: Alicia de Prado -Analyst: Elena González -Translator: Sole Soriano -Curator: Marina de...


JOURNALIST WEEK 2 This week, we have took a look to the blog , which had some interesting points about media bias, and also our friends' , which we think they made a very clear explanation and fluently presentation (although...


STARS: ( WEEK 2) ISABEL: "This week I have been the star of the group. At first, I was scared because it was a new role to do. However, I had the opportunity to have a helping hand: Marina García. Both of us were finally the stars and we had to reseprent the whole group. We finished late the work and we had little time to study our presentation, but we decided to make it quite different to the...


FACILITATOR( WEEK 1 ):   Hi guys,I am Marina De Vicente Sánchez, the facilitator, my work is to facilitate and organize the work of the  group.  Thia is the first week and as usual we are very nervous, we started without knowing very well the roles of each one, but at the end we have informed well and everything worked was great. The roles of this week of each person...


STAR( WEEK 1) I can hear the voices of my groupmates saying : “Sole, we are sure that  you will do very  well!” I am very lucky to have friends that cheer me up in bad moments. Yes, it was a really bad moment because it was the first exposition in English of my life and it was also the first exposition of the course. I didn´t know  how the express myself , so I was very nervous....


CURATOR ( WEEK 1) The chalkies, we have all participated in this new task about the framework of TPACK. In order to learn in a deep way characteristics of this topic we have taken a look on the Internet. We have kept as much information as we could from an article and we have also seen some videos: Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge?...


TRANSLATOR (WEEK 1): This week we have learn some concepts related to TPACK.First of all it is necessary to explain what exactly TPACK means. That is an emergent form of knowledge that is composed of three components (pedagogy, technology and content) and the relationship between them (technological content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge)....


ANALYST (WEEK 1):  At the begining of this work, our feelings were everything but calm. There were only questions in our minds, we didn't know how to play our roles but we did know that we wanted to do them good. That moment took me back to the first time I played basketball in a team. We all wanted to do our best; we knew the rules, but we didn't even know how to catch the ball...

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016


JOURNALIST! Good night guys! Journalist here! I am Marina García and today I am going to tell you how different our week has been. Do you remember the difficulties every of us had last week? Exactly!! We have had another chance to improve ourselves and show who we are! At that moment our main work...


Hello, I am Alicia again, this week I've been the analyst and I think that it is a hard role because I have to analyze and observe every moment and every member of my group. Well, it has been a different week...different but not less important. As you know last Wednesday the presentations were really disappointing but Linda gave us another opportunity in order to demonstrate what we worth. This...


HOW TO BE THE BEST STAR!!!! Well this week we have worked in a different group, all the stars of this week have collected information of how to be the best star and then we made a video. The star is the more representing role, because in the exposition you represent the work of all the group so you have so much responsability since you have to make it great. You can see the video here, enjoy!...

How to be the best curator?

Hi! I am Sole and this week I have worked with curators in Wednesday class . We did a video about some tips of doing a good curator work. I realized that we had been doing some things wrong. For example we didn´t put the references in the blog and we didn´t use them properly, therefore I try to make it better. Here you can see a video about how to be a good curator. I hope that it will be useful...


Hi guys! I'm Elena González and this week I'm the translator. Here you have the link to watch the video that all the translators from the different groups did on Wednesday to be the best translators ever. I hope you enjoy it! Talking about the terms that we have to difine I think that the ones that my mate Isabel chose were the correct...