This week we have learnt how media distorts the reality.Our teacher showed us it with the support of three differents kind of maps which are a tool for teaching. For this reason, I would like to define these maps.
Mercator map: Cartographic projection which creates increasing distorsion of size as you move away from the Equator.As you get closer to the poles, the distorsion becomes severe. Its area distortion makes continents in the middle and high latitudes seem larger than they should be.In addition,It is useful for nautical navigation.
Robinson map: Map projection which shows the entire Earth with less distortion of area. However, this feature requires a tradeoff in terms of inaccurate map direction and distance. The distortion near the North and the South poles is quite important. The straight parallels imply also a severe angular distortion at high latitudes near the margins of the map.
Azimuthal proyection:Map projection which has increasing wawy from the central point. It doesn’t represent so well the Equator Area.Its distortion of areas and shapes increases with distance from the center point.It is useful for showing airline distances from center point of projection and for seismic and radio work.
Treasure hunt:Activity to learn concepts in which the students have to answer some questions with a given information and at the end they have to answer a big question without the information.It is a creative and funny way of learning ,it is based in a game in which one or more players try to find hidden objects or places by using a series of clues
Narture Scavenger Hunt: An example of treasure hunt related to science content in Primary School. For instance, we can organize a trip to the zoo .Before the visit , a list with some clues would be given to the children and they have to follow these clues in order to find the answers of the questions.
We leave the comparison table we made, it is maybe more visual and clear to see:
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