For helping us to better understand creative commons licenses we took a look on the following web . In this page we discovered the different licenses that exists and their meaning. Talking about our mates' blogs we want to highlight the Frisky Hedgehogs'
blog: . Here you have the comment that I wrote in their blog:
Now it is time to explain what has happened during this week and what we have done.
On Sunday evening we read the documents that Linda uploaded to aula virtual in order to have an idea about what we were going to work on that week.
On Monday, after the explanation of the task, we knew our roles and we started to think about the topic that we were going to expose. We also stablished when we were going to meet and what we had to do. That afternoon we met at Sole's house and, as a good hostess and facilitator, she (above all her mother) made a delicious chocolate cake in order to motivate us. We loved it!
On Tuesday evening we meet again, but in this occasion we went to Marina's house. That afternoon everyone had job: some finished the Power Point and others did the Solar System model. We worked very hard that afternoon.
On Wednesday our dear stars were nervous because it was their first time as stars and also because some of our mates did great presentations.It was their time ! After all the expositions Linda told us some mistakes and some things that we had to improve, such as interacting with the public and not being behind the table as statues. She gave us the opportunity to repeat the presentations on Monday in order to improve them. We saw it as a new opportunity to show her the teacher that we have inside and to show that we can improve.
On Thursday evening we met again, this time we went to Alicia's house. It was time to improve our Power Point (the images, the licenses, etc.) and to make shorter the presentation of our stars since they couldn't explain everything that they wanted the day before. After that , we went out together to have dinner in order to relax and forget about the task for some hours.
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