viernes, 22 de abril de 2016


Hi guys!! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the analyst of this week.

Such an interesting week... It has been the first time that we have worked the entire class, together for the same goal: having a twenty minute video for next Monday. I imagine that it hasn't been easy to coordinate around sixty people, because we are a lot and everyone of us have a different opinion, belief, way of seeing things... But, besides everything we have worked successfully, we have been coordinated and we have done a great video.

You will be thinking... and what have we learnt from this different week? We have learnt to work in big groups, cooperation. We will have to work with too many people as future teachers, work hand in hand with other professionals, with other teachers, with the students, with the families; and that is not an easy thing but we are learning to do it.

We have to recognize that at the beginning of the this task, everything was a mess, too many people to coordinate and to have a roll. Even us, we didn't know how we were going to be organized because it was a new challenge. However, the challenges exist for being accepted and being done successfully.

Everyday that passes I am more aware about everything that we are learning, because we learn not only contents in a different way but also new methodologies (TPACK), new tools for our future classes ( Web 2.0 tools) and working in group, that in the end, as I have said before it will be our future job. It is in our hands to change the schools, although we know it is a difficult context because of the structures, values that are already imposed but it's not impossible. Changes are accepted if they are for a good reason and for a good purpose, the key is to find that reason and that purpose to change.

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