According to this part of the chapter called ‘’Teacher-Student connection’’, both of them learn from each other, being in this case the teacher the greatest influence on student achievement; what they do and how they do it, matters.
Imagine this situation: The teacher is always telling their students that they are ‘’stupid guys’’, ‘’burros’’ ‘’they don’t know how to do anything’’… This words and how they are said will affect to the students in their life and also in their school achievement due to the fact that everything a teacher says, it is important for their students. This situation occurs in many schools and is develop by many teachers and it determines a successful achievement or not in school for students.
As the text says, learning is influenced by the cultural context in which it occurs, and that context is nfluenced by the teacher and the students who participate actively in class and also the relationships between them.
So, this connexions can be shown in that example:
A group of students of 15 years have a very good relationship with their maths’ teacher and because of that they have the necessary motivation in the subject and the majority of them get good marks. But this learning enviroment change when this techer has to leave the school for a year. The students changed their attitude and their motivation was reduced because of the new teacher, they didn’t have the same confidence as with the previous one because he wasn’t as friendly as the other.
Let’s imagine ourselves as teachers. We are math teachers, and we are going to teach our students how to divide. This new knowledge which students are going to acquire, is only possible with a previous knowledge, which in this case would be knowing how to sum and subtract. When our students know how to sum and how to subtract, they make connections between this two concepts to finally get another one, divide.
Students can have learning connections beyond the classroom developing learning links with the community or experts. We have developed a case in which students will collaborate to develop a response to a challenge set by an external agency. In this case, we have a scientific challenge, students will have to create a volcano under the guidance of one or more tutors and a scientist . They can do that in the scientist´s place of work.
It affects day-to-day teacher situation because they have to find innovative ways of teaching a content beyond the classroom , in this case consulting an expert.
According to the text: “ Connections with peers” Imagine a boy, a little boy, who doesn't get on with his friends or class mates. Especially for the teenager the friends are more important than their parents, in a classroom situation a students is more likelly to seek assistance from a neighbouring students tha the teacher or their family. This is why the relationship with his friends can damage his academic performance. This little boy was an excelent student, he was always the first in all the tasks, but because of all the problems with their classmates, he changed, he changed his mind, he changes his idea of school…
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