domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016


Hello!!! I am Marina De Vicente and this week I am the facilitator of the task.

Well doneeeee Alicia and well doneee Chalkies! This week the task has been very interested and I like how the star,  who is Alicia, do it, each week we improve contoling our nerves and this is good for preparing our exam.

The task of this week as the other was very interesting because as future teacher and as future worker we have to know what kind of personality was the correct to teach and also to direct a school.

First we read all the information and later we choose the better option for us who was the participative. I think that the content of our task was amazing but ones I see the job of the other classmates I think that we must have improved the decoration of the presentation, this time we only do banners so next time we are going to take into account this.

However I am very happy with this task I learn too much and I am very nervious of preparing the next and last task .COME ON CHALKIES ONLY ONE WE CAN!!!!

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016


Hi! It is Marina García! This is my third week as a star, and unfourtunately the last one, since, as you've read, the course #SOyER1516 is about to finish and there won't be more tasks. It's a pity... Despite of having too much work, we've really enjoyed during this course working in groups, fostering our creativity and adquering a lot of new knoledge...

Stop sensitiveness, let's me talk to you about this last task about relationships between the two articles we have rencently read (from A. Bolivar and M. T. González) and the two chapters about complexity and connections in schools. [All of them are avaible in the curator page]:

My turn as star helper arrived in the last week. I had to help my mate Alicia Gomis in order to expose perfectly this connections that we all have create. It was the second speed learning exposition we did, I really like it because I 've never done something similiar. For the ones that don't know what it is, let's me explain that it is a circle done all over the class by the stars of each group. They place with their poster and they have to explain the activity to one group who will be changing each 5 minutes so as to visit all the stars.

It is a really interesting way, although it is a bit tiring for stars (at the end we have no saliva at all!).
I was really confortable while talking to my mates since I've already known all of them and I am not shy anymore. Even with Linda I felt good! I was pleased to explain to them my work, since, personally, I think that we did a really great job this week.

It's a pity to say goodbye to this subject, but the end has just come. I hope you all have enjoyed as much as we've.  Thank you, bloggers, for all  your support.

Much love,


PS: If you want to discover more about this topic, here is my speech, it was the piece about complexity in schools, for connections in schools, checks Alicia Gomis star's slide.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016


Hi guys! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the translator of this week. Here you have the last five concepts from our last weekly task:
We have focused in the organizations that appear in school and that coordinate all the teaching-learning process:

The first one we have is ''Equipo docente de ciclos'' in English it can be said  ''teachers' team''. It is an organization within the schools that is composed by all the teachers that are involved in an educational step. They work together to solve problems and they are involved with a group of students so they have a closer relationship with them. The teachers have a tutor and all of them work together coordinating the cycle.

The second one is called ''Departamentos didácticos'' in English it can be said ''teaching departments''. It is an organization within high schools that is composed by some teachers that are specialize in one subject and they together decide about that subject and coordinate what is going to be done during a school year. They don't work with the other teachers in oder to know better their students because they are in a department only with teachers like them.

The third one is '' Junta de profesores''. They are groups from high schools that are composed by the teachers that teach a group of students and by the tutor of the group. There are teachers from the different departments and subjects that have this students and together they decide the marks, the important decisions of the students' group and they make a general valuation of them.

The fourth one are ''Schools that learns''. This means that in schools not only the students can learn from the teachers but also all the people involved in the teaching-learning process can learn: headmaster, teachers, orientation's group... All this people share their knowledge and their experiences with the others and with that they emerge new knowledge from this connections.

And the last concept of this task is ''Speed learning method''. This is one method used in class that consists on divide the class into different places for learning, each group is at one of them and each group is rotating around the spaces in order to know the work from the others and learn. It is called speed learning because the time for seeing the work from the others goes from 5 minutes to 5 minutes. At the end, you can see all the works from your classmates and you will have learnt at least one important thing although most of the time you learn much more.


Hi again bloggers! It's Elena Gonzalez and in this last task I have been the facilitator of the Chalkies.

Is there anything better than finishing this subject being the boss of the group? I think no. Why? Well, first of all I am a bit stubborn and I prefear to be the leader than being leaded. Moreover, as this was our last task I wanted everything to be perfect.

We are characterized for finishing the tasks at atypical hours (midnight), but this time we organized ourself so that it wouldn't happen again.
On Monday we were told what we had to do: a connection map among 2 new texts ("Estructuras para el trabajo y la coordinación de los profesores en los centros" by Mª Teresa González González and "Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica by Antonio Bolívar")   and the chapters about complexity and connections.
As each one of us had specialized on one chapter about complexity and connections on the previous task, each of us read the new documents and looked for relationships with her chapter.

We decided to meet that evening in order to advance, to put in common all the connections that we had found and to try to start making the connection map and, surprisingly,  we finished the task that evening. In order to encourage them I bought sunflower seeds (something that we really like) and some biscuits.
I think that finally we have learned to better organize ourselves.

The exposition of our stars was quite great, so I am proud of my team and of my work as facilitator. I have loved working with this amazing group.

I hope you have liked ours posts during this months and I'll try to keep on blogging.
I'll miss you! Elena :)

Last week, last stars!

Hi guys! The last star is here! I am Alicia Gomis and I have a lot of things to tell you.
First of all I want to say that I consider that this has been one of our best tasks due to or easy coordination and our final work, it was excelent! Secondly, on Monday I was really afraid to be the last star, but fortunately two star would be in charge of the task this time, and I have to say that working with Marina is always a pleasure because she always knows what to do in each moment.
Well in this task we were in charge of compare two new texts: “Estructuras para el trabajo y la cordinación de los profesores en los centro” by M· Teresa González and “Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica” by Antonio Bolívar,  with the two of Complexity in school and the different connections. With this information what we had to do was a poster, and present it on Wednesday on Speed Learning form. So both, Marina and me prepared our speech with the other Chalkies’ help.

This is my improved part of the speech, Marina is going to show you the other part on her post, don’t miss it please!
Now you can read:

“As you know, the school is a complex context y which different relationships occur, and that’s what happen between teacher and student. They learn from each other due to the fact of teacher-student connection. 

How teachers teach has a great influence on student achievement. As we have difficult contexts, we have different relatioships and as you can see in the text “Schools organized” those relationships are different depending on the school level. In primary education we find that teachers teach more than one subject, the relationship with students is better and closer because they spend more time together. In schools, students see their teachers not only as a way of tranmision of the knowledge but also as a person they can count with. Meanwhile in Secondary Education teachers spend less time with students because they specialize just in one subject, as a result the relationship teacher-student is different.
Not only teacher and student take part on the school context but also the learning and the whole class relationship. So as Antonio Bolívar says in his text,  it is not enough that the teacher have a lot of knowledge about his subject if he doesn't know how to interact with the students. Teacher must transmit his knowledge to the students, so students begin to familiarize theirself with the new concepts (learning) and at the same time, they exchange views with other peers, so the class work as a group, there is cooperation. That means that there are different factors involved in the Organization of a school and that these factors must be connected together.
Talking about the school as an organization, we haave seen in the Antonio Bolivar’s text that it could be an organization that learn due to the fact that an organization (in this case the school)  improves, and consequently, learns, when the learning is seen at different levels; individual, group, and system learning. So that way can accomplish the desired and benefitial organization for everyone.

In contrast, we have also found in the other text that there is a big mistake in the organization of the school that produce isolated teachers and a lack of cooperation between them. The reason of that is the physical disposition of school centers, because as they don´t have a space to work together, beyond the classroom, they spend the most of their time here, in the physical classrooms.”

And that’s all, I have to say goodbye again, but this is the last time.
There have been a lot of good moments and also bad ones because it’s not easy to work in cooperative groups during an entire term, eventhough I love my mates you know, but sometimes a really would like to kill them!

I hope you have enjoy reading our posts these weeks like we have done doing them!
See you bloggers, I’ll miss you!

Alicia J


Hii!! I am Marina De Vicente and I am the curator of this week. In this moment I am very happy but at the same time I am worried, because this week is the last, so in few days we will be doing the exam.

For this task we have used:

Estructuras para el trabajo y la cordinación de los profesores en los cento. M· Teresa González González

Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica. Antonio Bolívar

The Complexity of Schools Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital
age. London: Routledge

Connections & Relationships
Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age.
London: Routledge.

 Here you can see the tools and the refences that we used for doing the last task here:

For me this subject have been very interesting and thanks of it I improve my creativity.
Apart from the content of he subject I learn something that I am goint to use in the future, as future teachers, like work in group, respect the different opinion.. since a teacher don't work alone, the teachers work together and  this is a important point that we are going tot ake into account in our future.

I have really liked working with my group CHALKIES, we have always done the task the better that we have been able, so congratulations. COME ON, WE CAN, WE ARE GOINg TO PASS THE EXAM.
 I wish you luck

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016


Hello bloggers, I am Alicia de Prado.
I can’t believe this has been our last task.

I can’t either believe how much we have improved since the first once. It is a coincidence that I have been the analyst of the first task, and also being it in this last one.
That first one, “TPACK”, I reflected about how we were like a basketball time. The mistakes we did, the insecurities, the fear. We have been evolving like this basketball team, where the cooperation and the sense of team work were the only ways to succed.

This task has been the task in which we were having our expectations on how a great task should be. We were all very efficient, we finally got to know how we could be friends of who had been our worst enemy: the time. We have learnt to argue less, and we have learnt to make decisions which everyone of us like. Of course, there is always going to be that kind of “Shut up!” or “Fulanita, stop using the pone” or “How I wish we had more individual work”. Despite of that, we have loved to work together, in our best and worst moments.

We have seen that with constancy and effort, every goal is reached. We have learnt a lot of things, things I hope we will be able to express in the final exam.

We have also strengthen our friendship ties, we know that with all the work we have done together, we are going to be very good friends. It’s what one of us always says “We are all so different, but at the same time we know how to connect to each other and do a good job”. We have been through rough moments, but for sure we have lived so many good ones.

As I always like to say, this is only the start, the long road of learning never ends. We can  achieve small goals, but we have to look forward and look for new ones, that will make us feel  completed and happy.  As Jack Kerouac said in his novel “On the Road”:Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road”. 

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Hi bloggers! it's Marina García, this time as a translator of the task. This week we've been working on speeches and leadership styles! Have a look at the new terms that we've learnt.
At the end you'll also find some tips to perform a great speech.

Here you have the five main styles you can find, related to our context, it could be as a headmaster of a primary school.

1. Laissez- faire: A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees possess those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez-faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs.

2. Autocratic: The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers posses total authority and impose it on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. This leadership style benefits employees who require close supervision.
3. Participative: Often called the democratic leadership style, participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. In Participative leadership everyone contributions to the decision-making process. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. When a company needs to make changes within the organization, the participative leadership style helps employees accept changes easily because they play a role in the process. This style meets challenges when companies need to make a decision in a short period.  It is based on cooperaation among every member.
4. Transactional: Managers using the transactional leadership style receive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards or punishments to team members based on performance results. Managers and team members set predetermined goals together, and employees agree to follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. The manager possesses power to review results and train or correct employees when team members fail to meet goals. Employees receive rewards, such as bonuses, when they accomplish goals. They conquest throught external motivation.

5. Transformational: The transformational leadership style depends on high levels of communication from management to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through communication and high visibility. This style of leadership requires the involvement of management to meet goals. Leaders focus on the big picture within an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals. It suffers a trasformation from the inside to the outside part.

How to perform a great speech:
-Feel close to your audience.
- Be honest.
-Be smart with your speech's structure (don't be boring)
-Encourage people with interesting proposal.
-Be concise and authentic


Academic fact fight. BY: Frtis Ahlefeldt-Laurvig License: BY NC


Hi bloggers, I'm Elena González and this week I've been the Chalkies' analyst.

In this tenth week we have come bak to reallity since we have worked as we used to do. Linda explained the task and each group had to do an exposition in front of the class.

This week we (specially our star) had to creat a kind of candidature for being the director of a school. For doing something like that we had to read a document where 4 types of leadership were described. I guess we had to do that because it can be useful for our future to know which kind of leadership can be more beneficial for one moment and also because we can use this styles when we are the facilitators of the group.

On the one hand, the worst part of this activity was agreeing which kind of leadership we wanted, but finally we concluded that Alicia was going to pe a participative leader. On the other hand, the best part of the task was creating the Fakebook acount and the pamphlets and also the day of the "elections". It was really funny to see how the other groups defended their candidate and tried to buy our votes with candies.

We have learned that with this style the workplace has a family atmosphere and that it helps all the members of the group to contribute in the outcomes with the support from the upper management.

In the few weeks that remain, we have to conserve the organization, since this week we have done everyting on time; and the spirit that we have as a team.

I think that we have improved a lot since we started this subject and I'm very proud of this group.

See you next week bloggers!


Hi guys! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the curator of this week. In this link you will be able to see our mind map of tools and references not only from this task but also from the others:

Here below, you are going to find the references we have used to do this leadership task:

Gyasi, Kwame. 2015. Participative leadership practice in junior high schools and actions to improve the practice: a case study of Sekyere south district, Ghana
Master's Thesis in Education. University of Jyväskylä. Department of Education 

Hoyle, John R. "Leadership Styles." Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006. 595-98. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 30 Jan. 2012

Journalist week 10

Hi bloggers! I am Alicia Gomis, the Chalkies’ journalist and I’m going to tell you all about this week in SOYER.

We started on Monday watching the video of the TVshows in which all of us  participated trying to perform different fiction cases about the connections in school. We did The Leona’s Diary and this time Marina de Vicente and me were actresses while the others Chalkies were camera girls, directors or set designers.
The video was really amazing, well done class!

After watching the video Linda explained to us the next task. It was about the different types of leaderships and our work was to choose one of these types and make a speech to convince our classmates to be the best headmistress for a school. It wasn’t necessary to meet at home because on Monday all the Chalkies worked hard in order to finish the work as fast as possible.

Here we were looking for information with our computers


On wednesday we lived a kind of political elections. All the groups presented their candidates and they did their best in order to be selected.
You can see here some of the candidates and their teams giving their  characteristics as leader and trying to convince to us.



 Chalkies would have given their vote to Pablo, there is no doubt about that!                                               


                          They did a good job… but our star did it excellent!!
                                 VOTE FOR ALICIA DE PRADO!!

Alicia was The Chalkies’ candidate and I’m sure that with her wise words she got a lot of followers.

All the groups did an excellent campaign in order to achieve their goals


In this task we have also visited other blogs in order to compare information about the different types of leaderships, here you have one of them: 

And that's all, as you know the course is ending and this is almost the last task of the year! We have had an amazing experiencia and we have enjoyed a lot eventhough we have also worked very hard, It’s like a mix of feelings.
Are you also enjoying our work?

 See you next week! J


Hello guys, it's Alicia de Prado!! How is it going? The end is coming!!
Well, I have been honored this week with the important mission of being the face of The Chalkies as if it was a political campaign. I had to be a headmistress and I had to give a speech about how was my school ruled and which my methods were.

When I first realized I was going to be the star (once again), i felt nervous (once again). However, when I knew what the topic was about, I started being excited because it was a task that appeared interesting for me.

Work began! We got organized to make my campaign and prepared the speech I was going to defend. We decided to follow a "participative leadership" because we all agree in that point of view at the time of working in a school. I started to learn by heart my speech, but then I realized that it wasn't something I had to do like that. I mean, I had to have the structure clear, and knew about I was going to say, but I decided to do it more like a politician would do it: with passion!.

Wednesday came, and I started to get reeeeally nervous. Our mates did beautiful campaigns, and ours were good too but a bit more less attractive. My mates started doing their speeches, and they were all awesome. My turn came, and I just told to myself: "Come on Alicia, It's just like a game, have fun and do the best you can". And so I did! I am quite happy of how it was, I spoke fluently and I think that I made myself clear. My Chalkies were proud of me, and they gave me a huge applause and congratulated me.

You can see here the fakebook we made, in case you want to vote for me in the next elections ;) !!

Another task done!! It's the final countdown Chalkies, we can! xx