viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Hi bloggers! it's Marina García, this time as a translator of the task. This week we've been working on speeches and leadership styles! Have a look at the new terms that we've learnt.
At the end you'll also find some tips to perform a great speech.

Here you have the five main styles you can find, related to our context, it could be as a headmaster of a primary school.

1. Laissez- faire: A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees possess those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez-faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs.

2. Autocratic: The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers posses total authority and impose it on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. This leadership style benefits employees who require close supervision.
3. Participative: Often called the democratic leadership style, participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. In Participative leadership everyone contributions to the decision-making process. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. When a company needs to make changes within the organization, the participative leadership style helps employees accept changes easily because they play a role in the process. This style meets challenges when companies need to make a decision in a short period.  It is based on cooperaation among every member.
4. Transactional: Managers using the transactional leadership style receive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards or punishments to team members based on performance results. Managers and team members set predetermined goals together, and employees agree to follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. The manager possesses power to review results and train or correct employees when team members fail to meet goals. Employees receive rewards, such as bonuses, when they accomplish goals. They conquest throught external motivation.

5. Transformational: The transformational leadership style depends on high levels of communication from management to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through communication and high visibility. This style of leadership requires the involvement of management to meet goals. Leaders focus on the big picture within an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals. It suffers a trasformation from the inside to the outside part.

How to perform a great speech:
-Feel close to your audience.
- Be honest.
-Be smart with your speech's structure (don't be boring)
-Encourage people with interesting proposal.
-Be concise and authentic


Academic fact fight. BY: Frtis Ahlefeldt-Laurvig License: BY NC

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