viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016


Hi guys! I am Isabel Ramírez de Arellano Sevilla and I am the translator of this week. Here you have the last five concepts from our last weekly task:
We have focused in the organizations that appear in school and that coordinate all the teaching-learning process:

The first one we have is ''Equipo docente de ciclos'' in English it can be said  ''teachers' team''. It is an organization within the schools that is composed by all the teachers that are involved in an educational step. They work together to solve problems and they are involved with a group of students so they have a closer relationship with them. The teachers have a tutor and all of them work together coordinating the cycle.

The second one is called ''Departamentos didácticos'' in English it can be said ''teaching departments''. It is an organization within high schools that is composed by some teachers that are specialize in one subject and they together decide about that subject and coordinate what is going to be done during a school year. They don't work with the other teachers in oder to know better their students because they are in a department only with teachers like them.

The third one is '' Junta de profesores''. They are groups from high schools that are composed by the teachers that teach a group of students and by the tutor of the group. There are teachers from the different departments and subjects that have this students and together they decide the marks, the important decisions of the students' group and they make a general valuation of them.

The fourth one are ''Schools that learns''. This means that in schools not only the students can learn from the teachers but also all the people involved in the teaching-learning process can learn: headmaster, teachers, orientation's group... All this people share their knowledge and their experiences with the others and with that they emerge new knowledge from this connections.

And the last concept of this task is ''Speed learning method''. This is one method used in class that consists on divide the class into different places for learning, each group is at one of them and each group is rotating around the spaces in order to know the work from the others and learn. It is called speed learning because the time for seeing the work from the others goes from 5 minutes to 5 minutes. At the end, you can see all the works from your classmates and you will have learnt at least one important thing although most of the time you learn much more.

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