viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Last week, last stars!

Hi guys! The last star is here! I am Alicia Gomis and I have a lot of things to tell you.
First of all I want to say that I consider that this has been one of our best tasks due to or easy coordination and our final work, it was excelent! Secondly, on Monday I was really afraid to be the last star, but fortunately two star would be in charge of the task this time, and I have to say that working with Marina is always a pleasure because she always knows what to do in each moment.
Well in this task we were in charge of compare two new texts: “Estructuras para el trabajo y la cordinación de los profesores en los centro” by M· Teresa González and “Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica” by Antonio Bolívar,  with the two of Complexity in school and the different connections. With this information what we had to do was a poster, and present it on Wednesday on Speed Learning form. So both, Marina and me prepared our speech with the other Chalkies’ help.

This is my improved part of the speech, Marina is going to show you the other part on her post, don’t miss it please!
Now you can read:

“As you know, the school is a complex context y which different relationships occur, and that’s what happen between teacher and student. They learn from each other due to the fact of teacher-student connection. 

How teachers teach has a great influence on student achievement. As we have difficult contexts, we have different relatioships and as you can see in the text “Schools organized” those relationships are different depending on the school level. In primary education we find that teachers teach more than one subject, the relationship with students is better and closer because they spend more time together. In schools, students see their teachers not only as a way of tranmision of the knowledge but also as a person they can count with. Meanwhile in Secondary Education teachers spend less time with students because they specialize just in one subject, as a result the relationship teacher-student is different.
Not only teacher and student take part on the school context but also the learning and the whole class relationship. So as Antonio Bolívar says in his text,  it is not enough that the teacher have a lot of knowledge about his subject if he doesn't know how to interact with the students. Teacher must transmit his knowledge to the students, so students begin to familiarize theirself with the new concepts (learning) and at the same time, they exchange views with other peers, so the class work as a group, there is cooperation. That means that there are different factors involved in the Organization of a school and that these factors must be connected together.
Talking about the school as an organization, we haave seen in the Antonio Bolivar’s text that it could be an organization that learn due to the fact that an organization (in this case the school)  improves, and consequently, learns, when the learning is seen at different levels; individual, group, and system learning. So that way can accomplish the desired and benefitial organization for everyone.

In contrast, we have also found in the other text that there is a big mistake in the organization of the school that produce isolated teachers and a lack of cooperation between them. The reason of that is the physical disposition of school centers, because as they don´t have a space to work together, beyond the classroom, they spend the most of their time here, in the physical classrooms.”

And that’s all, I have to say goodbye again, but this is the last time.
There have been a lot of good moments and also bad ones because it’s not easy to work in cooperative groups during an entire term, eventhough I love my mates you know, but sometimes a really would like to kill them!

I hope you have enjoy reading our posts these weeks like we have done doing them!
See you bloggers, I’ll miss you!

Alicia J

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