sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016


Hi! It is Marina García! This is my third week as a star, and unfourtunately the last one, since, as you've read, the course #SOyER1516 is about to finish and there won't be more tasks. It's a pity... Despite of having too much work, we've really enjoyed during this course working in groups, fostering our creativity and adquering a lot of new knoledge...

Stop sensitiveness, let's me talk to you about this last task about relationships between the two articles we have rencently read (from A. Bolivar and M. T. González) and the two chapters about complexity and connections in schools. [All of them are avaible in the curator page]:

My turn as star helper arrived in the last week. I had to help my mate Alicia Gomis in order to expose perfectly this connections that we all have create. It was the second speed learning exposition we did, I really like it because I 've never done something similiar. For the ones that don't know what it is, let's me explain that it is a circle done all over the class by the stars of each group. They place with their poster and they have to explain the activity to one group who will be changing each 5 minutes so as to visit all the stars.

It is a really interesting way, although it is a bit tiring for stars (at the end we have no saliva at all!).
I was really confortable while talking to my mates since I've already known all of them and I am not shy anymore. Even with Linda I felt good! I was pleased to explain to them my work, since, personally, I think that we did a really great job this week.

It's a pity to say goodbye to this subject, but the end has just come. I hope you all have enjoyed as much as we've.  Thank you, bloggers, for all  your support.

Much love,


PS: If you want to discover more about this topic, here is my speech, it was the piece about complexity in schools, for connections in schools, checks Alicia Gomis star's slide.

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