viernes, 15 de abril de 2016


Hi bloggers! I'm Elena González and this week my role has been to be the facilitator.
When we arrived to class on Monday we knew that we had to organice ourselves better than the previous week, because we only met on Tuesday and we needed more time. After knowing the new activity for this week, it was my turn to divide the task among us. Once all of us knew what we had to do, it was time to work!
Fortunately, we didn't have the necessity to meet for doing the task, as we have been doing the previous weeks. So we stablished a dead line to do our part and to upload it to umubox so our stars could read and study them. However, as we didn't meet I couldn't buy them any candy o sweet to motivate them while working, but I cheered them up by Whatsapp as a good facilitator.
I think that this week the organization has been quite better and everyone of us have done a good job, I hope we continue working hard and improving each week.

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