domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


This week we have learn some concepts related to TPACK.First of all it is necessary to explain what exactly TPACK means. That is an emergent form of knowledge that is composed of three components (pedagogy, technology and content) and the relationship between them (technological content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge). TPACK is the base of effective teaching with technology, that is an important tool to connect that three elements, so the aim is to integrate successfully technology in education. So in that way, TPACK allows us to understand concepts using pedagogical techniques incuding technology.Three concepts that we have to know:
- Technological Content Knowledge
Technology and content influence each other, are two fields with a close relationship. That's because the advances in many fields (like medicine) have been due to the advances in technology and also technological changes have offered new ways of understanding the world (digital computers changed physics and mathematics).And we, as teachers have to develop technological tools to educational purposes in order to teach the contents in an innovative way. So TCK is a way of understanding how content and technology influence each other.
- Technological Pedagogical Knowledge
TPK is a form of understanding how technology can change the teacher's methodology introducing new forms of teaching and learning.So we can say that the purpose of TPK is to discover how usual technological programmes like power point, word or prezzi can be used in education and schools.
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Teachers tend to interpret the subject matter (content) differently and find different ways to represent and adapt it. As we have seen, Pedagogical Content Knowledge means that every teacher have the flexibility of choose their teaching strategies in order to explain the same idea looking for the effective teaching.And finally something useful that we have learned in this job have been what an information map is. In this first practice we have used the technique of information maps in order to represent visually the concepts described previously and learn how they are related and organized. There are different types of information maps like mind maps, concept maps, spider maps... But we have choosen the Organizational chart tree because we wanted to do a clear explanation about the relationchip between the concepts and this type of information map allowed us to better organize them.

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